Important Dates for Your 2024 Wellbeing Calendar

It can often be overwhelming to keep track of all the wellbeing-related dates throughout the year and plan work events accordingly. But fear not! Our 2024 Wellbeing Calendar is packed with health and wellbeing events to help you plan out a successful wellbeing programme.
Let’s dive in…
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January Wellbeing Calendar Dates
1st January – 31st January | Dry January
After the Christmas and New Year festivities, January is a great time to reset and refresh.
Dry January challenges you to go alcohol-free for 31 days and aims to raise awareness of the effects of alcohol.
Taking part is a chance to ditch the hangover, reduce your waistline, boost energy and save some cash, all while doing your body a lot of good.

15th January | Blue Monday
The third Monday of January has been awarded the dreary title Blue Monday due to a combination of post-Christmas blues, dark cold nights and a stack of unpaid credit card bills.
The date was supposedly calculated using several factors, including weather conditions, increased debt, time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling the need to take action.
So, instead of letting Blue Monday get the better of you, why not do something with your team, organise a wellbeing initiative, or treat yourself to something nice!

27th January | Parental Mental Health Day
With the theme ‘Balance’, Parent Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of parent mental health and its potential impact on the whole family. The aim of the day is to encourage parents and carers to take a moment to reflect on their balance in their lives and how they balance looking after their family’s mental health, as well as taking steps to ensure their family’s wellbeing.
Parents, carers, and employers are encouraged to acknowledge the difficulties parents around the world experience and share ways to make a difference.
February Wellbeing Calendar Dates
1st February | Time To Talk Day
Mental health problems affect one in four of us and are a serious issue that should be spoken about a lot more. It is a common challenge, but an isolating one and people can often start to feel ashamed or alone because of it.
Time to Talk Day is a chance to encourage everyone to be more open about our mental wellbeing. Be sure to carve out some time during the day to have a coffee and connect with your team about how they are feeling.
17th February | Random Acts of Kindness Day
Studies have shown that acts of generosity not only benefit the recipients, but also boost happiness and wellbeing for the person offering kindness.
Whether you choose to volunteer at a nearby charity or simply hold a door open for someone, we can all benefit from the power of random acts of kindness. And you can experience a collective benefit when you link your proactive kindness to others’ efforts.
Random Acts of Kindness Day encourages people to think about ways they can make a positive impact on the people around them.
24th February | Emotional Health Day
To encourage emotional wellbeing, Family Links is asking everyone to celebrate Emotional Health Awareness Day by spending thirty minutes considering the following:
- How you are feeling today?. What might “looking after myself well today” look like?
- What sorts of things have a settling effect on you? Make a list of your top 3 (e.g. going for a walk outside, having a long bath, chatting with a friend).
- Think about any difficult feelings or unresolved issues that you carry around with you. Is it time to express them or let them go? Who can help you with this?
- What might you do to nurture the important relationships in your life today, whether with family, friends or colleagues?
- Make a plan to catch up properly with a good friend you haven’t seen for a while.
- Plan a fun activity with family or friends, or something you find nurturing for yourself.
- Listen really well to those around you today.

March Wellbeing Calendar Dates
1st March | Employee Appreciation Day
Employee Appreciation Day is the perfect opportunity for organisations to reach out to all of their employees by creating recognition experiences that are heartfelt, fun, and memorable.
It’s a great time to show them that they truly matter!
8th March | International Women’s Day
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is about inspiring inclusion. Our role in shaping a better world lies in inspiring others to understand and value women’s inclusion.
If women are not present, we must ask: “Why not?.”
We must call out discrimination against women when it occurs.
We must act when women are not treated equally.
Then we need to do it again and again.
We can all do our bit to make the world we live in more inclusive.
Related programme: The Women in Leadership Course
Our brand new training course is designed specifically for high-potential women who want to excel in their roles. Gain access to a problem-solving toolkit and learn strategies to increase your influence and effectiveness. You’ll come away feeling inspired, supported, and ready for future success in your career.
15th March | World Sleep Day
World Sleep Day is not only a celebration of sleeping, it also promotes important issues related to sleep, including medicine, education and social aspects.
The aim is to lessen the burden of sleep issues on society through better prevention and management of sleep disorders.

12th – 18th March | Nutrition and Hydration Week
This global movement aims to focus on nutrition and hydration as a crucial part of quality, care experience and safety improvement in health and social care settings.
The goal is to bring people together to create energy, focus and fun to highlight and educate people on the value of food and drink in sustaining health and wellbeing in health and social care.

18th – 24th March | Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Neurodiversity Celebration Week is all about recognising the many strengths and talents that come from thinking and perceiving the world differently. Together we can start a seismic shift in how neurodivergent people are seen and supported, enabling them to reach their full potential, by recognising and appreciating their strengths.
20th March | International Day of Happiness
Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness as a way of recognising the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world.
Through the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, they aim to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect our planet – three key elements that lead to wellbeing and happiness.
You can find our Ikigai Happiness Toolkit and other resources over on the Haptivate Resources Hub.
Related Workshop: The Happiness at Work Toolkit
Discover the principles and practices that can take your team from good to great, unlocking new levels of engagement, energy and innovation.
April Wellbeing Calendar Dates
1st – 30th April | Stress Awareness Month
Millions of people around the UK are feeling high levels of stress and it is damaging our physical and mental health. Stress is one of the great public health challenges of our time, but it often isn’t taken as seriously as physical health concerns.
During Stress Awareness Month, healthcare professionals and health promotion experts join forces to increase public awareness of the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic.
The Haptivate Resource Hub is packed with resources, including a helpful Stress Management Cheat Sheet.
Related Workshop: Overcoming Stress at Work
With the right knowledge and tools, employees can not only reduce their stress levels to manageable levels but also start using stress as a catalyst for greater levels of performance and productivity.
7th April | World Health Day
World Health Day’s message is simple: giving people access to healthcare without the prospect of financial hardship.
Over the past 50 years, World Health Day has shone a light on numerous public health concerns in the world. Such as mental health, child care and climate change.

25th April | On Your Feet Britain
On Your Feet Britain is a celebration of physical activity that encourages workers across Britain to unite and take part in a variety of fun and simple activities to #SitLess and #MoveMore at work.
It’s much easier than you think and you’ll be surprised by how much better you feel. Here are a few tricks we’ve tried:
- Use the stairs rather than the lift
- Stand up and have a break from your computer every hour
- Eat lunch away from your desk
- Stand during phone calls
- Have standing or walking meetings
- Walk over to your colleagues’ desks instead of phoning or emailing them
28th April | World Health & Safety Day At Work
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work, observed annually on April 28th, is an international campaign dedicated to promoting safe, healthy, and dignified work environments. This day serves as a reminder that the concept of health at work extends beyond physical wellbeing. It encompasses mental and emotional health as well, emphasising the importance of fostering workplaces that support the overall wellbeing of employees.
May Wellbeing Calendar Dates
1st – 31st May | National Walking Month
Throughout May, National Walking Month encourages people to get active and walk more.
Walking is an easy and accessible way to improve your health and wellbeing. With just a 20-minute walk, a number of preventable health conditions, such as depression, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, can be reduced.

5th May | World Laughter Day
Everybody knows that laughing feels good, but few realise how valuable such a simple thing can be in improving our everyday wellbeing. Laughter cannot heal or solve anything, but it can help to heal and dissolve everything.
That’s what World Laughter Day is for! It’s a day where people can relieve some stress and laugh.
8th – 14th May | Women’s Health Week
Women’s Health Week is a national effort to raise awareness about the manageable steps women can take to improve their health.
The focus is on the importance of including simple preventive and positive health behaviours in everyday life.
13th – 19th May | Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week is all about raising awareness and promoting better mental health.
It provides a great opportunity for people to talk about all aspects of mental health, with a focus on providing support and advice.

13th – 19th May | Black Inclusion Week
The theme for Black Inclusion Week 2024 is, “Empowered for Change: Collaborating Towards a Brighter Future.”
The theme for 2024 underscores the importance of collective action and shared responsibility in shaping the world we live in. It is essential that each of us not only acknowledges our potential to effect positive change but also recognises the immense power we possess, particularly when we unite.
13th – 19th May | Learning at Work Week
The purpose of Learning at Work Week is to build learning cultures at work. It aims to put a spotlight on the importance and benefits of continual learning and development.
This week is a great opportunity to run a learning campaign in your workplace linked to a national event. If you need some inspiration, check out our employee wellbeing workshops.
21st May | World Meditation Day
In the modern world of constant movement, we need to raise awareness about meditation and its benefits. Meditation has been practised since ancient times, as far back as 3000 B.C., when it was referenced in Indian texts.
By practising mindfulness or focusing on an object, thought, or activity, an emotionally calm and stable state can be achieved. In Western culture, meditation has transcended past stereotypes and is becoming more and more mainstream.
If you’re new to meditation, you’d best head over to the Haptivate Resources Hub, where you’ll find our short, guided meditation audio to get you started in no time.

June Wellbeing Calendar Dates
1st – 30th June | Pride Month
Pride Month is an opportunity for every individual to celebrate their authentic selves and the distinctive contributions they bring to the world. Whether you identify with the LGBTQ+ community or simply wish to show support, it’s a wonderful moment to reiterate the importance of connecting with those who genuinely appreciate you for who you are.
8th June | Global Wellness Day
Global Wellness Day is a non-profit initiative led by volunteers committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Its core purpose is to encourage individuals and society to ask, even for just one day, “How can I live a healthier life?” The key goals include recognising life’s value, taking a break from stress and bad habits, finding inner peace, and raising awareness about living well to boost motivation for all 365 days.
10th – 16th June | Men’s Health Week
Led by the Men’s Health Forum, the purpose of Men’s Health Week is to raise awareness of preventable health issues and encourage men and boys to seek professional advice for health-related problems.
21st June | International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day is an opportunity to recognise the physical and spiritual benefits that yoga brings to people all around the world. Yoga is a wonderful way to exercise and stay healthy, but it’s also much more than that.
For many people, yoga is a way to connect the body, mind, and soul in a way that promotes overall wellbeing. By taking time to practice yoga on this day, you can honor the ancient tradition and discover the many benefits for yourself. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting out, International Yoga Day is a great opportunity to focus on your health and wellbeing.

July Wellbeing Calendar Dates
30th July | International Day of Friendship
On this International Day of Friendship, we recognise the world’s challenges – poverty, violence, human rights abuses – that disrupt peace and harmony. To address them, we must foster human solidarity, starting with friendship.
Through bonds and trust, we can drive essential change, ensuring stability, a safety net, and a united pursuit of a better world for all.
August Wellbeing Calendar Dates
15th August | National Relaxation Day
Occasionally, it’s essential to pause and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. That’s why on August 15, we commemorate National Relaxation Day. While striving for success is crucial, the strong work ethic can sometimes become a two-edged sword. Preventing burnout often involves taking a break and giving yourself the chance to unwind!
September Wellbeing Calendar Dates
18th September | National Fitness Day
National Fitness Day encourages people across the country to make 16th September the most active day of the year. It highlights how physical activity helps us lead a healthier, happier and more active lifestyle.

20th – 25th September | International Week Of Happiness At Work
Everybody wants to be happy. Including at work. Work accounts for a lot of our time, after all. And, our happiness at work will likely carry over into our personal lives as well. This one is close to our hearts as we believe happiness at work should be a top priority for all organisations, no matter how big or small.
Related Workshop: The Happiness at Work Toolkit
Discover the principles and practices that can take your team from good to great, unlocking new levels of engagement, energy and innovation.
21st September | World Gratitude Day
The purpose of this day is to emphasise the significance of conveying gratitude and appreciation. It’s easy to become absorbed in our hectic lives and overlook expressing our gratitude to those close to us.
Some may think that performing a single act of kindness is enough and that it doesn’t need to be repeated. However, consistently showing kindness can have a positive impact, ultimately contributing to a better world. After all, it’s your world, and you’re the one who resides in it!
23rd – 29th September | National Inclusion Week
Imagine how dull the world would be if everyone were identical. Thankfully, humanity is wonderfully diverse. People have various skin colours, hair types, and eye colours, along with unique skills, talents, and abilities.
National Inclusion Week (NIW) serves as a reminder that our world is a tapestry of individuals with diverse characteristics, cultures, talents, and gifts. It’s a beautiful, creative, and diverse world to be a part of, and that’s a fantastic reason to celebrate!
October Wellbeing Calendar Dates
1st – 31st October | Speak Up Month
Speak Up Month is a month dedicated to raising awareness of Freedom to Speak Up and making speaking up business as usual for all workers, leaders and managers. It is a chance for teams and organisations to talk about speaking up and why it is important.

10th October | World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day raises public awareness about mental health issues and advocacy against social stigma.
Every aspect of our lives, including our families, workplaces, and communities, is affected by mental health problems. As individuals and as a society, we must do all we can to prevent mental ill-health.
World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to talk about mental health, how we need to take care of it, and how important it is to talk about things and get help when needed.
7th – 11th October | National Work-Life Week
National Work-Life Week encourages meaningful conversations between employees and employers about the importance of wellbeing at work and achieving a healthy work-life balance.
This week is an ideal time for employers to demonstrate their commitment to fostering a supportive, family-friendly, and flexible work culture.
Consider conducting a Workplace Wellbeing Assessment to evaluate your current practices and identify areas for improvement.
It’s a proactive way to show your team that their well-being is a priority and to make tangible changes that support a healthier, more balanced workplace.

18th October | World Menopause Day
World Menopause Day is an annual event that takes place on the 18th of October each year. It’s a day that’s all about spreading awareness of menopause and letting people know about the different options available for improving health and wellbeing.
Menopause is a totally natural part of life, but it can come with some pretty uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. It’s super important for employers and individuals to be aware of how menopause can affect wellbeing and to offer support where needed.
November Wellbeing Calendar Dates
6th November | National Stress Awareness Day
National Stress Awareness Day aims to develop a greater understanding of stress and resilience. The aim is to ensure those suffering know where to seek advice, and the practical actions that can help prevent and manage stress.
If you’d like a quick and practical guide on this topic, check out the Haptivate Resources Hub and grab the Stress Management Cheat Sheet.
Related Workshop: Building Resilience in the Workplace
Discover essential resilience training that goes beyond stress management. Equip your team for success and foster a culture of adaptability and wellbeing.
13th November | World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is an opportunity for us all to reflect on one of the most important and unifying human principles – to be kind.
It highlights how good deeds and small acts of kindness can bring people of every kind together.
Engaging in random acts of kindness during the working day can bring a huge amount of positivity to the workplace, creating a feel-good atmosphere that spreads throughout the organisation.

19th November | International Men’s Day
International Men’s Day is about making a positive difference to the wellbeing and lives of men and boys. It aims to raise awareness of men’s health, male suicide rates and the underperformance of boys in schools.

December Wellbeing Calendar Dates
10th December | World Human Rights Day
World Human Rights Day inspires everyone to speak up and take action to end discrimination in all forms, whenever and wherever it happens.
This day is an occasion to honour the accomplishments of those who’ve championed and defended human rights. It also provides an opportunity to contemplate the path ahead, identifying the necessary actions to foster a more equitable society for all.
Download All These Wellbeing Dates to Your Calendar Now!

Join the Haptivate newsletter to import these wellbeing dates to your calendar and get access all 30+ free wellbeing at work resources.
Did we miss anything?
We’ve done our best to create a health and wellbeing calendar that’s as complete as possible. However, if you have a suggestion for dates to add, let us know in the comments below and we’ll get right on it!
Make sure you don’t miss an important date by adding the 2024 Haptivate Wellbeing Calendar straight into your diary.
If you’re looking for support with your workplace wellbeing or would like to organise an event for one of these awareness days, click here to find out how Haptivate can help.
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Aysha Frost
Digital Marketing